Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wedding Weekend!

So...met up with the ex last night. Had dinner, chatted, retrieved things. We will be friends, but it's time I take my space. Time alone will not heal me. Time and space might give me a fighting chance. Wish me luck.

Anyway. I just noticed I haven't posted in, oh, a million years? Sorry. Memorial Day was the Weekend O' Weddings. I was in one, but the true fun was had at the Sunday wedding of a former coworker. I don't remember ever going to a wedding where the bride and groom were so happy and relaxed, and have never seen a group of guests so happy to see two people commit to one another. I caught the bouquet, I played with Mr. Wyatt (who will be turning ONE in two weeks!) and went out afterwards with some of my very favorite people. Because you have all been so patient with my whining and bitching and wordy posts, here, FINALLY, are some photos:

Here I am with Mr. Wyatt, my clearly adoring date!

With some lovely ladies...

My date, straying...

Love him. Yep, think I need one of these!

Fast forward to later in the evening. The AFTER-after party. The ladies and I decided to pick up a few things--Brie, Chipotle spread, a baguette, cheap red wine, and Rice Krispy treats. You know, essentials.


FashionHunter said...

Mr. Wyatt is the cutest date ever! And kudos for having the strength to realize that you need your space.

Jess said...

Mr. Wyatt is pretty cute. Can't drive and never pays, but I'll take what I can get!

And thank you. Hope I can keep up the whole space requirement!